
39 Views · 2 年 前

⁣Our Early Learning Center of
Rochedale offer you and your child the very best in facilities, resources and
early educational, play based programs which are underpinned by the Early Years
Learning Framework. Our belief is that through quality education and care of
children we can also encourage, assist and support the entire family. Educational
Programs-The Educators at Hatchlings Early Learning Rochedale draw on their
Considerable knowledge and experience within the early education and care
sector to develop a quality, age/developmentally appropriate educational play
based curriculum that is underpinned by sound Christian values ​​that reflect the
Early Years Learning Framework for the Nursery to Pre-Kindy groups and the
Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines. To know more visit here: https://hatchlings.com.au/rochedale/

35 Views · 4 年 前

Beautiful Instrumental Worship Music played on Acoustic Guitar. 3 hours of popular Gospel hymns played on acoustic guitar. Peaceful songs of praise with no ad interruptions. Over 60 songs with no looping. Ideal for rest, relaxation, Bible study, prayer, quiet time with the Lord and background music throughout the day. Played by Christian Fingerstyle Guitarist Josh Snodgrass. Please Like and Subscribe for More Music Coming Soon! https://www.youtube.com/user/p....revailingwords?sub_c
Thank you for watching!

Hi everyone! My name is Josh and my family and I want to thank you for listening to and supporting my music. I am blessed with a wonderful wife named Sarah and 2 sons who love the Lord. Our life has been an adventure serving in music ministry full time these last 8 years. It has been an incredible blessing this past 16 months as so many people have found my music on YouTube! Thank you for all of your kind comments and the support you offer through prayer, purchasing my music and donations to help put food on our table. We appreciate you all more than we can express! May God bless you abundantly as you seek Him with all of your heart, soul and strength. The goal of this ministry is to shine the light and love of God in this dark world through the beauty of godly music. I hope and pray that you experience the love of God while you listen to this music and that the lyrics of these songs are brought to mind as you listen.

You can purchase my CDs or download my music at my website: http://www.joshsnodgrass.com/store - Your support helps me to record more music. Thanks so much! You can also make a tax deductible donation here: https://www.joshsnodgrass.com/support

This music is available on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora and other digital outlets.

Learn to play my Fingerstyle Guitar versions of popular hymns on guitar with tab: http://www.joshsnodgrass.com/lessons

Follow me on Facebook:

Track Playlist:
0:00:00 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
0:03:40 Footsteps of Jesus
0:07:42 Higher Ground
0:10:43 The Sweet By and By
0:13:02 Jesus Paid it All
0:16:17 There is a Fountain
0:18:46 Blessed Assurance
0:21:08 When We All Get to Heaven
0:24:13 Praise Him, Praise Him
0:27:09 Count Your Blessings
0:29:24 This is My Father's World
0:32:22 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
0:34:52 Man of Sorrows
0:37:39 At Calvary
0:40:22 Give Me Jesus
0:42:25 Just a Closer Walk with Thee
0:44:26 The Solid Rock
0:46:24 I am Resolved
0:48:30 Nothing but the Blood
0:50:50 The Faithfulness of God
0:54:00 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
0:55:48 He Leadeth Me
0:58:17 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
1:00:27 Softly and Tenderly
1:03:52 In the Garden
1:07:02 All Creatures of Our God and King
1:09:57 Be Thou My Vision
1:12:50 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
1:16:08 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
1:18:05 Holy, Holy, Holy
1:20:39 Fairest Lord Jesus
1:23:23 Crown Him with Many Crowns
1:25:28 Blessed Be the Name
1:28:25 Sweet Hour of Prayer
1:32:17 Revive Us Again
1:34:51 Headin' Up to Glory
1:37:19 My Jesus I Love Thee
1:40:34 All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
1:43:06 O Worship the King
1:45:45 Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
1:48:40 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1:53:17 Great is Thy Faithfulness
1:56:49 The Doxology
1:59:16 All Glory Laud and Honor
2:01:36 Are You Washed in the Blood
2:04:03 O How I Love Jesus
2:08:07 Amazing Grace
2:10:39 I'd Rather Have Jesus
2:13:19 Power in the Blood
2:16:04 God is So Good
2:18:11 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
2:20:13 Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior
2:23:32 Have Thine Own Way Lord
2:26:52 When I Survey
2:29:49 To God be the Glory
2:32:47 The Love of God
2:36:50 Trust and Obey
2:39:48 I Need Thee Every Hour
2:42:39 Our God Reigns- Lenny Smith - http://www.newjerusalemmusic.com/
2:45:14 Be Still My Soul
2:48:39 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
2:52:13 At the Cross
2:55:28 Abide With Me
2:58:23 O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Thanks for listening! Most of the hymns have the musical compositions in the public domain but my recordings are copyrighted. This means you can't post my music to your YouTube channel without permission. Churches may use my recordings of public domain hymns as part of live streams (or videos) of church services. For all other uses of my music, please just ask permission.

22 Views · 4 年 前

陳恩明並不像許多人心目中的牧師 他英文名Young Man、心境年青、愛好開摩托車。但他一直在教會忠心服侍,也是基督教聚會的即時傳譯員、英文基督教書籍的翻譯。陳恩明與你分享他活力充沛的方法。

4 Views · 2 月 前

曲、唱、編:SUNO x CK Jacky

要嘗嘗 主恩的滋味,
便知道 他是美善,
投靠他 的人有福了,

[Verse ]

要嘗嘗 主恩的滋味,
便知道 他是美善,
投靠他 的人有福了,


要嘗嘗 主恩的滋味,
便知道 他是美善,
投靠他 的人有福了,


要嘗嘗 主恩的滋味,
便知道 他是美善,
投靠他 的人有福了,



Apple Music


#福 #詩歌 #suno #基督教詩歌 #基督教音樂

凡訂閱iBible TV YouTube 頻道、iBiblehk Patreon 、【每日聖經金句】fb page的支持者,訂閱後,則可免版權(非商業)於基督教教會聚會、信徒團契靈修使用,唯必須註明:〝歌曲版權屬 iBible.hk〞。祈請支持 iBible.hk:https://ibible.hk/d

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